Jason Segel, o cantactor

Jason Segel, o cantactor

Jason Segel é um actor medianamente conhecido que tem feito carreira na minha série cómica preferida "How I Met Your Mother" e ultimamente também em comédia românticas como ""Forgetting Sarah Marshall" e "I Love You, Man!".
Precisamente em Sarah Marshall tem um número musical que ele próprio escreveu:

Depois disso aliou o seu amor pela música à boa recepção do público e cantou a mesma música em concertos de Russell Brand, o outro actor do filme. Agora lançou um novo êxito onde se oferece para fazer sexo com as espectadoras e as amigas. Da primeira vez num concerto dos Maroon 5, da segunda com a dupla The Swell Season.

Aqui ficam os vídeos e as letras. Há algumas diferenças entre ambas porque foram adaptadas à situação.

Dia 7 de Novembro - Maroon 5

Dia 18 de Novembro - The Swell Season

Versão dia 7Versão dia 18
It don’t take long
for this old man to form a habit
and I know some of the things I do, they just ain’t right

So tell me would it be wrong
for me to use my celebrity status
to make love to a college girl tonight

But only call it if you need me
But only call it if you need me
But only call it if you need me

Now I know you’re charmed
by my lovely on screen persona
yes sweet and humble that’s always been my carreer

But wouldn’t it be a shame
for you to miss this one time offer
to make love to Jason Segel freshman year

Please don’t be scared
if you’ve got bicurious feelings
I promise baby I won’t ever tell

So bring your friend
to my swanky Manhattan hotel room
I’ll be me, you can be Mila Kunis and Kristin Bell

Remember when I was in that show
Freaks and Geeks
Well there were no special effects
No, no special effects
So if you thought I was sweet
well yeah I’m really that sweet

Remember when I showed my penis in
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Well there were no special effects
No, no special effects
So if you liked what you saw
well that’s really what I’m working with

But only call it if you need me
But only call if you’re disease free
But only call it if you need me

Remember when I showed my penis in
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Well there were no special effects
No, no special effects
So if you thought it was small
if you thought it was small
well then your boyfriend
is probably
not white.
It don’t take long
for this old man to form a habit
and I know some of the things I do, they just ain’t right

So tell me would it be wrong
for me to use my celebrity status
to make love to a Swell Season fan tonight

But only call it if you need me
But only call it if you need me
But only call it if you need me

Now I know you’re charmed
by my lovely on screen persona
yes sweet and humble that’s been my carreer

But wouldn’t it be a shame
for you to miss this one time offer
to make love to Jason Segel this year

Please don’t be scared
if you’ve got bicurious feelings
I promise baby I won’t ever tell

Bring your lesbian friend
to my swanky Los Angeles mansion
those who say that three is a crowd, they can go to hell

Remember when I was in that show
Freaks and Geeks
Well there were no special effects
No, no special effects
So if you thought I was sweet
well yeah I’m really that sweet

Remember when I showed my penis in
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Well there were no special effects
No, no special effects
So if you liked what you saw
well that’s exactly what I’m working with

But only call it if you need me
But only call if you’re disease free
But only call it if you need me

Remember when I showed my penis in
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Well there were no special effects
No, no special effects
So if you thought it was small
if you thought it was small
well then your boyfriend
is probably
not white.


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