Okkervil River

Okkervil River

É, muito provavelmente, um dos grandes albums do ano. Chamam-se Okkervil River, são do Texas, e lançaram em 2007 The Stage Names, de onde é retirado este genial A Girl In Port. Para mais informações desta preciosidade, sítio oficial, wiki e Myspace.

Let fall your soft and swaying skirt
Let fall your shoes
Let fall your shirt
I'm not the lady killing sort
Enough to hurt the girl in port

Marie's gone blonde and lost a stone
She's laying on her lawn spun and alone
And when the morning sun, it rose
Upon Marie and her lazy clothes
Then later on she walked around
The winding streets of Camden town
She don't who she wants to be
And if I knew, I'd tell Marie

Let fall your soft and swaying skirt
Let fall your shoes
Let fall your shirt
I'm not the lady killing sort
Enough to hurt the girl in port

And she tells me she's had fun
Sitting backstage, someone's plus one
Up in her place the records spin
Needle in the grooves that she's worn thin
She lives asleep and she sees her name
And she's got a smile on her face
She's got a story you can't see
That's just between me and Marie

Let fall your soft and swaying skirt
Let fall your shoes
Let fall your shirt
I'm not the lady killing sort
Enough to hurt the girl in port

And before Holly made her way
Over the sea and far away
She's telling me inside her car
Driving us back from crystal cornevar
WelI lost it then, well I fell from health
I cut fresh new pieces from myself
And for a second something in me
Said leave today it's time Holly
It's time

Well I'm a weak and lonely sort
But I'm not sailing just for sport
I've come to feel out on the sea
These urgent lies pressed against me
I'm just against, I'm not apart
With my tender head
With my easy heart
These several years out on the sea
Have made me empty cold and clear
Pour yourself into me

Let fall your soft and swaying skirt
Let fall your shoes
Let fall your shirt
I'm not the ladykilling sort
Enough to hurt the girl in port

A Girl In Port, Okkervil River


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